No no no no no

10:50 AM

My oldest sister,  Erin and I have been hanging out everyday this week. I thought it would be fun to take her to the Galleria yesterday and help her shop for her fall/winter clothes and mom even took off work to play with us! Erin needed to bring Kayla (she's 17 months) and I had no idea what I was in for...

How could this sweet face reek so much havoc?

Easy. She neglected to inform me that Kayla hates being strapped into her stroller, or anything for that matter, she likes to climb on chairs, hates sitting on her bottom, being told no, she loves to touch and knock things over and I guess do other things 17 month olds do. Since I'm not a mom yet I had no idea how exhausting kids are. Everyday. Kayla is a great kid, but what child wants to shop all day? Erin and mom thought it was hilarious that by 3:00 I was so tired I nearly cried when they told me it was time to pick up Taylor from kindergarten and continue the madness for another 4 hours. What did I learn yesterday?

This is the only baby we need right now :).

Just for laughs, here is Erin today. I've got color on her hair and she's decided to take a nap while she's processing. Seriously.

I really do love kids and the idea of being a mom. I also know that for now I enjoy sleep, doing what I want, and I am really just enjoying Ike + Katy time. nothing too exciting planned for the rest of the week, tomorrow I am having lunch with some old co-worker girlfriends, Friday I head to College Station to see my seester AJ and Saturday at the crack of dawn dad and I leave for La La land. I'm only 4 days from seeing my husband!!

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  1. you crack me up, girl! you would die if you had to spend the day with my girls (4 & 1). they are crazy! i feel like crying at the end of most days, but they are worth it ;) enjoy your time as just an aunt! you will be a wonderful mommy when the time comes!

  2. Ha ha ha lol I work with about forty children every day :) It is a part of fun :))


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