Line of fire

11:12 AM

The other night I couldn't sleep so I found myself reading a moving post on a beautiful blog I happened to stumble upon; and as I cried and laughed I thought I have to share this post. I realize I'm opening myself and my blog up to judgement and hurt but I don't care. That's how much this post moved me. I should also note I am not a mother but I pray that when I am I can be as open minded and loving as she is with her children. It's fair to say that this post will be read and re-read by me a million times...All I ask is that if you disagree please be kind. This is simply something I found moving and thought I'd like to share. I dig her views... Enjoy!!

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  1. I believe God is only one - but like all Beings he created in HIS own image - may seem different, when in fact they are all the same.

    God - in all HIS variations - is nothing but love.

    That post was all love and acceptance. Thank you.


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